Monday, October 18, 2010

Immigrants to U.S

           There is no place on the earth better then your home. When I say your own home I mean by that “your native country where you born, where your parent and Grand parents born. I believe a lot of people are wrong about America is the best country in the world then native country. If you see the history of America you will learn that American has not done the good things. People believe United States of America is the hope.
            I have few reasons that U.S is not the best country in the world. The day of September 11, 2001 it changed a lot of American life and the rest of the world. Muslim were blamed for the attack, and there is a conspiracy and lot of question to be answered. At the time president Bush didn’t do any thing and they blamed on Afghanistan. President Bush sent U.S army to Afghanistan to clean up Terrorism but they are still sitting and ruling the country till this day for Oil. Since September 11, 2001 Especially Muslim life changed they don’t have really freedom in American. Their Phones have been taped and a lot of them been fired from job and being accused of involved in the attack. U.S always try to help other nation in a mind of taking over some part of the other nation. U.S have few military bases on the other country soil.
            When people come to U.S they have a hope. I believe there is no hope in U.S because you are competing with citizens of the country. They always take care of their own people and then what ever is left they provide to immigrants. U.S citizens do not appreciate Immigrants to come to their home land and teach them or show them new way of living. The U.S citizens think that they are the only ones who are very educated in the world and they go in other country to show them how to run the country.
            I believe that people will have more freedom then U.S in the native country. In native country you can live with your freedom and equality. People can celebrate their culture and all the other holidays with no restriction. Even if the U.S provides few good things to immigrant, there is always some reason behind it. U.S is the nation that wants to show people that they care about immigrants but they don’t. I love my native country “Pakistan” but some time you have to make decision and move on for your and others better future.

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