Food is our primary diet, without it no one or animal could be able to survive. Although there are thousands of different type of food a person can eat. Even there’s ton of different food people decide to choose one. One reason for this is their culture. Everyone’s cultures have different type of food, because of the environment. You cannot grow the same types of foods everywhere, some are not meant for the heat or some are not meant for the cold winter. In other words, when there’s a change of environment, there’s a change of food. Another reason is for example a body builder; they need a lot of calories a day to provide them with enough energy to do their job. They need food that will supply them with plenty of protein such as, vegetables and meat. The normal calories, a regular person needs a day, is about 2,500 calories a day. A body builder might need five times or up to ten times that amount. That means they can practically eat anything they want, because they’re going to burn it off later in the gym. Last, is a person called a vegetarian? They usually only eat vegetables, or healthy foods that does not consist of red meat. Some do it to stay healthy, but others do it, so they won’t eat animals. There also foods, that are made for vegetarians, that make it seem like it is meat, but in reality it is not. These are examples of people who eat different for personal issues.
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