Thursday, November 4, 2010


Is math really important in our lives? Well in my opinion, it is used in almost all areas of life. You learn it from when you start school until you literally pass away. Within time new problems will evolve, which means that someone is going to come up with a new way of solving it. That is why math is a never ending subject, which is essential to having a good life. When you grow or become independent, and move out your parent’s house, you will need to buy your own place. When you are in the process of buying it, you need to look at the place to see if it will fit your budget. Then you need to make calculations on how much the monthly bills would come out to be. How are you going to do this? With math, maybe you might need some equations from algebra, or it might be simple math, but then you still need to know the foundations of math to know what to do. Also another example is by knowing how much money you have without going to the bank to check. This is called balancing your check book out. Balancing your check book out is pretty difficult, you need to keep track of everything you spent, and then record it in your check book. You need to check if the money was actually taken out of your account. Math is a subject we all need to know, because it is everywhere we go.

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