Sunday, November 7, 2010

The fame Of Fortune

We all have the dream to be rich, and have all the wealth in the world. When you have all the fortune and riches in this world it starts to make you change and not do positive things with your money. For example, when people win the lottery they are excited, but then you go out shopping like there’s no tomorrow, and sooner or later become bankrupt, and also in debt. This is the most common, but there is also when people go out shopping and vacationing, but do not know what to do anymore. They got all they ever wanted, the big house, nice cars, and all the best clothes, but now they just sit in their big house like a couch potatoes. When this happens, people get depressed and sometimes lead to them hunting themselves, becoming sick or even suicide. This does not just happen to lottery winners, it also happens to celebrities. Celebrities have a lot of money, a lot of work, a lot of paparazzi, which leads to stress. When they become stressed, they use their money to buy drugs, which also sadly sometimes leads to death. There have been many great and famous celebrities that have passed away, because of those. I think a great solution for this would be to do good and positive things with your money such as, give back to your community, or start a foundation for the one’s in need. Everybody thinks that money would always have a turning point in your life, and you would become the happiest person in the world, although sometimes it ruins your life with the ones you love the most.

Our Mother Earth

Our environment goes through many environmental problems right now, but I think the most important is global warming; currently it is affecting us in all types and manners. It’s affecting us by making our weather change every day, like if were to have mood swings. We also have bigger storms that have created many accidents than ever before. If were to stop the wars, and wasting billions of dollars a year, we should be investing that into research to stop global; warming. All that money should be put into deep debt, I would understand if this money would go for a good cause, such as global warming. I think we need more people and countries supporting the cause to stop global warming, because even if the regular civilians a big impact, if countries come together on an agreement to stop global warming. Global warming is a big environmental problem, if we do not do anything about it, then as well all not all kinds of big natural disasters will start occurring. Some things that we normal civilians can do  to help is  try to buy vehicle’s  that have an SLEV tag, that stands for super low emissions vehicle, or it can be as simple as buying better environmental friendly light bulbs that also save energy. We should all learn to cooperate and help or mother nature because thanks to her we live in this beautiful world! We should all be thankful and we should all go green for our planet!

Health Concern

In our society we have many health concerns that get to the point where we worry. A good example would be the food we buy. The majority of the food that we buy now has gmo’s or genetically modified organisms. This makes the food seem a little better or bigger, so we see we decide to pay more and for the price to seem fair. The bad thing is that we don’t see is that food is unhealthy. The bad thing is that we don’t see what our food is containing and what it truly has. Which causes harm to our r bodies and makes our body develop diseases because our food. This is why, the United States is number one in the having one of the biggest problems which is diabetes. This death problem was usually common for older people, but now even children as young as five are getting it as well. The main case of this is the food that is in the market. The sad part of it is that, there is no way to escape it, if those are the only products on the market, other fast foods such as Mc Donald’s or your nearest grocery store. Diabetes can also lead to death, if it gets worse; now imagine a five year old passing away because of diabetes, which is terrible. Our country needs to do something about this problem and need t improve the food the healthy way. If we don’t fix our society now with all the ingredients will have diabetes is to get worse in the future, if it stays the same as now.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


People smoke for the fun of it without thinking the damage they are going to cause to themselves. Smoking is a deadly substance when abused too much. It is the same as alcohol, and also can be accessed by teens easily as well. Teenagers and sometimes even younger children have access to cigarettes. They cross these harmful things because they get influence by others and want to look cool in front of their friends. This is very bad because cigarettes have many harmful chemicals. These chemicals can cause very serious illnesses such as cancer, which in some cases it results in death. Unfortunately teenagers are victims of this also that affects their life greatly in the long run. When someone smokes too much, it starts to affect their body, especially their lungs. Our lungs take in everything we breathe, when you smoke, all your taking into your body, is harmful smoke. After some time of smoking your lungs start to look black and not normal. This affects your breathing, when you can’t breathe right; you get tired fast and start coughing. Now normally this starts happening to older people, but this also happens to young teenagers, which are still young and healthy. Once their lungs get infected, their healthy body is gone. They no longer can run and play sports that they loved. Cigarettes are one of those products that are still legal even though, they are the cause for thousands of deaths every year. They should be made illegal, to stop this madness, and save millions of people’s lives now and in the future, including teenagers.


Is math really important in our lives? Well in my opinion, it is used in almost all areas of life. You learn it from when you start school until you literally pass away. Within time new problems will evolve, which means that someone is going to come up with a new way of solving it. That is why math is a never ending subject, which is essential to having a good life. When you grow or become independent, and move out your parent’s house, you will need to buy your own place. When you are in the process of buying it, you need to look at the place to see if it will fit your budget. Then you need to make calculations on how much the monthly bills would come out to be. How are you going to do this? With math, maybe you might need some equations from algebra, or it might be simple math, but then you still need to know the foundations of math to know what to do. Also another example is by knowing how much money you have without going to the bank to check. This is called balancing your check book out. Balancing your check book out is pretty difficult, you need to keep track of everything you spent, and then record it in your check book. You need to check if the money was actually taken out of your account. Math is a subject we all need to know, because it is everywhere we go.

Being picky about Food

Food is our primary diet, without it no one or animal could be able to survive. Although there are thousands of different type of food a person can eat. Even there’s ton of different food people decide to choose one. One reason for this is their culture. Everyone’s cultures have different type of food, because of the environment. You cannot grow the same types of foods everywhere, some are not meant for the heat or some are not meant for the cold winter. In other words, when there’s a change of environment, there’s a change of food. Another reason is for example a body builder; they need a lot of calories a day to provide them with enough energy to do their job. They need food that will supply them with plenty of protein such as, vegetables and meat. The normal calories, a regular person needs a day, is about 2,500 calories a day. A body builder might need five times or up to ten times that amount. That means they can practically eat anything they want, because they’re going to burn it off later in the gym. Last, is a person called a vegetarian? They usually only eat vegetables, or healthy foods that does not consist of red meat. Some do it to stay healthy, but others do it, so they won’t eat animals. There also foods, that are made for vegetarians, that make it seem like it is meat, but in reality it is not. These are examples of people who eat different for personal issues.

The Purpose of Internet

The Internet has the purpose to never end and to always improves as a cyberspace. The internet requires of two kinds of people, the users and the providers. The purposes of the Internet for the users, has a long list, but he main one is for the entertainment, research, and sometimes for money. What I mean by entertainment, it has its own list. Now these you days you can always all types of entertainment on the Internet, which the most popular are public networks, such as Facebook and MySpace. Both are well known throughout the entire world, they entertain people because they let you have contact with your friends as well. Those are two major types of entertainment, now research; many use the Internet for school or for pure curiosity of wanting to find something out. Last is to make money, the Internet can give a normal person to be an entrepreneur. A famous website for doing this is EBay and Amazon; they let you sell new and used things all across the world from your home. That is the power of the Internet, and what it can do for the users. The products are the people that supply the Internet with all these different types of websites. Their main concern is for their website to become popular, so that they could get more money and also you can win yourself money too. So it’s like your own personal job too. Users and providers are the people that make the Internet up, that is constantly growing.

Change of Plans

There are many examples of when there needs to be a change of plans, but I think one that happens often, is when you have to change plans on the road or your going through an emergency. I say this because at times when plans change when it’s necessary it mainly when some bad stuff has happen in the family or with friends. Or if you taking a long trip, such as out of state, there are going to be many road blocks, accidents, and distractions on the way to your destination. To go into more details, let’s say you are going to Arizona from New York. You might think it is a piece of cake, to drive in a few days. The roads are streets that are unpredictable, when you leave your residence, you get onto the freeway, and ten minutes into your trip you are already encountering traffic. So you decide not to stay in traffic, so you get out the freeway, and go on to the street, until you see the next entrance onto the freeway, so that you could skip the traffic. Once you’re on the freeway again for about an hour, you think you are not going to encounter another problem again, but sense you are traveling that means change of scenery and with change of scenery comes change of weather. Now it starts to rain, really hard. To avoid danger, you stop at the rest stop; sense there is nowhere else to stop. Although as you can see on the road there are many problems that one has to overcome by making a change of plans

My Ideal Vacation

While it's a common theme for most young people to go on vacation where they know there will be a variety of activities in which they can try new things I, however, like to go where I can unwind, take in the scenery, and enjoy the company of my family and friends My ideal vacation would be Europe were they have all the wonderful luxuries of the old world and the new world. There are so many cultures that are scattered through the vast countries that consist of Europe. Europe also has plenty of attractions that would take you quite an amount of time to visit them all. Although everyone does not go for the tourist attractions all of the time. That is why when I think of an ideal vacation, I also think of a calm and relaxing vacation, where you do not have to worry about anything. I would visit the beaches you need to bring bathing suits and surf boards. While in the city it is wise to bring comfortable shoes and a jacket. The city you should bring shorts and comfortable shirts as well as dress clothes if you plan on attending a Broadway show or a musical or even go out to a nice restaurant. In the city and the beach if you want to do things outdoors you should bring sunscreen and shoes. It is wise to bring cash for public transportation but different types are available. That is why I will never forget my two favorite vacations and why I will continue to travel to those locations and enjoy my vacation time.


Seeing obesity is one of the most crucial things in society because it sets an example to minors. People who go through obesity are individuals who accept its normal and how they physically appear. Obesity is part of self esteem issue because if you don’t feel comfortable with yourself you don’t let yourself succeed. People with obesity are people who sometimes done care for themselves and just eat whatever they like without caring for their health. Obesity is like dieses that can cause a lot of harm while you start to grow. It can give you diseases that you can regret having. It can give you asthma, diabetes’s and so much more. Now this day they are acknowledge that obesity rates are rising and being overweight can play a role in our health conditions. I’m pleased that I can take care of myself and don’t get to the point where I eat a lot. Personal and societal obesity affect the world by having people to eat without having a good health. For example there’s away commercial on food that advertise food that isn’t right for us to eat. This affects us personally by having us to go buy unnecessary items that we don’t need in our bodies to create grease and fat our bodies and later on we are complaining why we are fat. “Having obesity has excess weight which has  is major medical problem for more than one third of Americans and after cigarette smoking, is the second largest cause of death.”

Different People

When I see different people they seem different and at the same time they can be interesting rather than those who have many things in common. Being to learn the persons difference is what makes the person interesting. As others say that being around people who have the same personality can be at times boring. People who are different come to the point where they tell each other about themselves and who they really are. Sometime people end up as allies because they can be so different and have to go through a lot to find someone like them. They won’t find there soul mate, but they are able to find someone similar like them. When two strangers meet and begin to know each other more with beliefs, their customs, their religion and their habits can help people become more social. Sometimes people have to go through tough moments to assemble real people who care from them, sometimes those people can appear to be different and be some else but inside they are different but they are someone who completes you.   A good example would be marriage when theirs couple who are complete opposites from each other but at the end they start to meet each other and see they have common things. All of us in this world start as stranger but at the end we met somehow no matter how different we can be. People who sometimes are different from one another learn to value each other and reflect what their like and what they have in their most in life.

Outdoor Living To an Apratment

Living outside your home is really different from living inside your home. There's compensation in both city and living in hands of nature. Nature’s beauty offers a lot. It lets you understanding the daily life in the purest way. The trees, the insects, the soil all make a perfect picture scene that sets a soothing setting for one to live. Nature gives you the ability to see how the real world works. Living outdoors, it helps you become more a modest individual, but maybe even change you for worse.
Living outdoor gives you the benefit to help out people and see who people really are. A good place to live outdoor would be living on the beach where is so different and peaceful. Living by the beach would be a whole different thing to living in an apartment because the beach is sand n water and public. While an apartment is just you and who ever lives you, without having peaceful moments. You can also realize how dirty the beach is and how much care it needs. So probably you can help it be trash free, to make a better place. Living outdoors gives you the experience of a voyage and reminiscences that will last in your whole life because living in the open air will give you the experience that you never thought you could have in life. If I were to ever experience this I know I will learn from the world we live in.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Visit to the Moon..!

           If i have a chance to visit to moon. I would not visit to moon beacuse i personally believe that it is not good to mess with the nature. Moon is very far away from the earth and no body lives on the moon. I would love to find out how does moon glow and provied light at night. It is very far and you need a training to go to the moon and it coast alot of money to visit to moon. I would not like to mess with nature.

Earn Money..!

           The person my age can earn money alot of different ways. They can find a job at fast food, malls, resturants, park, security, baby sitting, car wash, selling candies, clean the house, doing the grass, help some one crossing a road, back yard sale, vouleenter, taking care of pets. There is alot of way that a peron my age can earn money. 

Best Home..!

           The best thing i like about home is that it's a home. where i can see my family, eat, sleep, do any thing i want. Home is the place where I have grown up and my all memories are their. Home is the place when i enter i feel comfortable away from the world. when i go home i don't need any permission to go in. In my home there is alot of food and people who cares about you. There is no place on earth better then home.

Four years ago..!

           My life was very diffferent four years ago. It was differnt because i moved to U.S in October 2005 from pakistan. It was a big step for my family and me to move across the world, leave all the family behind to hope for a better future. When i moved to U.S it was difficult for me, because i spend all my life in pakistan and it was not easy to leave family, friends and country. The things i was able to do were play, eat, watch tv, sleep and be the favorite kid of my parents. The things i couldn't do were drive, job, cook, travel, phone, pay bills, hangout, and argue.

Immigrants to U.S

           There is no place on the earth better then your home. When I say your own home I mean by that “your native country where you born, where your parent and Grand parents born. I believe a lot of people are wrong about America is the best country in the world then native country. If you see the history of America you will learn that American has not done the good things. People believe United States of America is the hope.
            I have few reasons that U.S is not the best country in the world. The day of September 11, 2001 it changed a lot of American life and the rest of the world. Muslim were blamed for the attack, and there is a conspiracy and lot of question to be answered. At the time president Bush didn’t do any thing and they blamed on Afghanistan. President Bush sent U.S army to Afghanistan to clean up Terrorism but they are still sitting and ruling the country till this day for Oil. Since September 11, 2001 Especially Muslim life changed they don’t have really freedom in American. Their Phones have been taped and a lot of them been fired from job and being accused of involved in the attack. U.S always try to help other nation in a mind of taking over some part of the other nation. U.S have few military bases on the other country soil.
            When people come to U.S they have a hope. I believe there is no hope in U.S because you are competing with citizens of the country. They always take care of their own people and then what ever is left they provide to immigrants. U.S citizens do not appreciate Immigrants to come to their home land and teach them or show them new way of living. The U.S citizens think that they are the only ones who are very educated in the world and they go in other country to show them how to run the country.
            I believe that people will have more freedom then U.S in the native country. In native country you can live with your freedom and equality. People can celebrate their culture and all the other holidays with no restriction. Even if the U.S provides few good things to immigrant, there is always some reason behind it. U.S is the nation that wants to show people that they care about immigrants but they don’t. I love my native country “Pakistan” but some time you have to make decision and move on for your and others better future.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Monkey would Make a Good Pet...!

            Yes i believe monkey would make a great pet, because animals are to love. If you love some one they always love you back. I personally believe that human were monkeys before they became man or women. It would be Cool to have a monkey as a pet. To me there is not a big different between few humans and monkeys. They both act dumb some time.  

Youngest person I know..!

            The youngest person i know is my little cousin Hadi Malik. He just born in February. Hadi is very small and chubby. As the time is passing by he is getting every day bigger and bigger. I always go over my aunt house and see my little innocent cousin Hadi. I like to grab his chubby cheeks. I love him so much.  

oldest person you know..!

            The oldest person i know is one great great Grand mother in Pakistan. She is one of my friend, friends cousin grand mother. she is about 122 years old live in Lahore city of Pakistan. She live in a big house with four different generation. I don't know, how she is surviving but that's the oldest person i know.

Lunch with Famous Person..

           If i have the opporunity to have a Lunch with a Famous Person that would be Pau Gasol. I choose Gasol beacuse he has an awesome personality. who doesn't want to have a lunch with MVP of the basketball player??. I am a big time Laker. It would be nice to learn anything from him and share his experience with me.

My Brother..!

           I have one brother Saad Siddiqui. He is Twenty years old and goes to UC Riverside. He is studing to become a doctor and thats motivate me to do good in school. we learn from each other and its good to have a older brother beacuse you can talk to him about certain things that you can't do with your parents at home. If i get in trouble, i can always blame on Saad and get away from trouble. Saad has different personality beacuse he is moody. It depends on who he with or how the day is going for him. we fight alot and love to play basketball together and go for Lakers. No matter what i love my brother.

My Pet..!

           If i could have any animal for a pet it would be Turtle. I choose Turtle beacus i have a small turtle and they are amazing animal. I would have small baby water turtle, they are easy to take care and i can always play hide and seek with the turtle. The water turtle are colorful very friendly and they like to eat. Some time i let my turtle walk around in my leaving room. I would like to clean my turtle water tank. I will name him Thunder and take care of him just like family member.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Journey on a Pirate Ship..

           My Journey on a Pirate Ship would be amazing because I am the captain. I will lead my ship to many riches. Me and my buddies are pirates that are crazy about treasure and girls. Our journey starts from the Caribbean Island. As we begin our journey we knew we were going to find evil pirates who will try to attacks, but we have no fear we are evil too and we could cause more damage then they can.  As were sailing through the sea we spot a small island that as not assign in the map we go there we found dead people and we found a map on the floor  the island is called the Island of the Dead. It was call like this because it had hidden treasure and no one is able to find it because you had to go through a lot of traps to get to the treasure. So my pirates and me took the challenge we had no fear. We began the challenge we estimated that it would take us the whole day to get the treasure. We  were greedy pirates so we would stay up all night and chase down each challenge. As we did each challenge we face death, but we all pull through.The  scariest one was when we had to cross moving knives, because they were coming towards good thing we had good reflections. We finally got to the end of the challenge and it was to cross a volcano full of lava. As we read in the map it said this the biggest challenge where everybody dies but hey we had no fear. We had the guts to cross the volcano,as we cross one the pirates was about to fall in the lava, but we were prepare we had all he materials to save him. So we cross and we enter another world! We enter the land of riches were everything was gold, money and women! This was a dream come true. My buddies and me were like WOW! We had no idea those pieces of cake of challenges would give us this. Now we own the land we can have anything we want. Being the captain of the team gave me the freedom of what to do with the island and I decide to give everyone a a fair share. Everyone was happy in we all lived happy in our island of riches.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Deepest Fear..

           Hmm.. Let see what is my deepest fear. I think my deepest fear is when I will be lonely and no body around me. I mean by that all my friends and family left me and no one care about me. :[..!

The Best of Paki Food..

           If I have my own Resturant, I would like to name it "Best Of Paki Food". I named this resturant because I believe that their is not alot of culture food in town. People always like to eat the same kind of food over and over and then they get tired of the food taste. I think it would be great idea to introduce my culture food in Modren enviorment. I would like open this resturant in New York City beacuse there are alot of Indian, Pakistani, and all the other culture they would love to try something new. For example if it doesn't work out alot of people don't like to eat. My resturant will still be good beacuse pakistani would like to eat speice food. My resturant would be big and double story beauce i would divide my resturant in two different styles. One where u can sit down tradional style on the floor and other would be on table with chairs. I would hire all different kind of race who enjoy making pakistani food. I will serve all kind of spiece and non spiece traditional food. I will hopefully make all the customer happy make them come back to eat my food.

Dinosaur in your Back yard..

           It was a saturday morning. I was very deep sleeping and i don't what happen. My parents were out of town that weekend for our aunts wedding in Chicago. Suddenly my brother and sister came to wake me up around 6:30 am. If you know me very well, then you know i don't get up easily. My sister start yelling at me so i can get up so we can all run out side of the house. I was like its night and let me sleep till 2 in the afternoon. My sister "sidra" said wake up because their is a big giant thing in our back yard and i m like go to sleep it's probably a bird that you see every day. she start crying, and in a mean while my brother "saad" brought a cold water bucket and threw at me. I got up and start fighting with him. He slaped me and said their is a Dinosaur in our back yard. I was like Saad don't be dumb, Dinosaur's are dead like 10000 years ago or soo. He showed me and first thing I did, I scream hard and start running out side the house like crazy guy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Dinner..

           If i have to cook for my family any food. i wish that all the family show up and they will have good time. I would love to make my Culture food ( Chawal, Routie, Daal, Palaq, and Sallan) Rice, bread, soup, and spiece food. I choose this food beacuse I believe it will bring all the memorable time and the taste of the food and bring us back together for while. There is espical recipes for all this beacuse we don't cook in regular trays. The trays are made out of the soil and its give us more taste of it. In order to make this delicious food, I need to get all the different vegetable and spicy and take one by one and chop it down in small pecies. After doing that you mix all together put in tray and put the tray on fire. I also have to make a sause the "chatni or rahita" it's different kid of dressing on food. Its sounds really easy and to eat but it actually take long time to prepare all these food. I would love to make it any time for my family.


           One time I was Brave??.. I can think of couple things. One of my most Brave thing was I stood up and speak for my self and went against my parent. I choose that beacuse I believe in my culture kids doesn't raised like that. We always respect elders and learn from them, but their was no time i disagree with my parents or elder. One time they told me to do something and it was really important and I didn't felt like doing it. I thought that is enough..! I have my own right and things to do and I speak up for my self and i let them know who i feel.

Hundred Dollars

           If i had hundred dollars, and the problem is i can't keep it. I would wish to give to the person' who is in really need. I can only thing of the only one person who can spend this hundred dollars on right things, and that would be my self. I believe that i need it more then any one else beacuse first of all their are alot of people and it's really hard for me to decide it. I will buy alot of food with hundred dollar bill and add some more money from my pocket and feed homeless people. I feel by feeding the homeless people, Leting them know that their are people who care about them.

Do You Remember..

Do you Remember..??
Do you Remember when we first time meet.
Do you Remember the looks on your face.
Do you Remember the first kiss.
Do you Remember when you broken my heart.
Do you Remember?? Do you??
Its been a long time we see each other.
I think about you all the time.
I havent ate for few days.
I been waiting for you all night.
Do you care?
I loved you with all my heart.
I sacrificed my life for you.
I always agreed with you.
I remember the journey; we had together.
Do you Remember??

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Free Write

           This journal is based on all the truth, lies and secret of my world. If you want to know me better you just need to read this journal. In this journal i have the experience of the things that help become who i am today. Today i will share with you one of my secret, its about the girl that i had a crush on. I would not mention her name or any kind a hint toward her. Every one have a crush on some one in high school, there was a girl i saw at my high school she was very Gorgeous. when ever i see her, my heart always "click" i don't know, if that suppose to mean anything. I always had a certain feeling about her and the feeling was positive. I was too shy to make any move to impress her or talk to her. As the time goes on i never had guts to tell her that how much, I like her and i wanna be with her. From that day on to now i never said any thing and she moved on with some other guy. I believe there is no perfect ending but i regret it and i still wish that it could be different ending, if i would have expressed my feeling to her. I just have to wait for right person.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Free Write

            In this dream I was a father of three kids, i was a poor farmer live in a small village called Death Valley far away from a city. I lived with my family, in my family my three son Mike, Albert, and George and my lovely wife Lilly. I am hard working farmer and i love my family. I grew up in Death Valley, and i belong from a a poor family, i had no chance of becoming educated. I really wanted to become a better person in life. One day there were some tourist came to our small village and their i saw Lilly first time my beautiful wife. she was very gorgeous and Intelligent. I spoke to her about my wish to become a educated person and she promise me to teach. I was poor guy but my heart was clean with full of love every one and i realize that Lilly have a same nature as me. she doesn't care about her fathers wealth, she wanted to live a happy life with some one who is caring and loving. My story was getting interesting suddenly my mom woke me up for Job. Its 8:30 and you have to go to work.

           The first thing i want in the morning to wake up and lay down on my bed for while. After open my eyes i check my cell phone for any messages or calls. If i have any messages or call i will reply them and get ready to go for Exercise. i feel really good in the morning to do exercise, after burning all my calories. I come home from exercise and i really would like to take a warm shower, I wish i had a jacuzzi it world make my morning much better. After taking shower and dress up, I am ready for a long day.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Poem " I am"

I am colored but proud
I wonder how could i be free
I hear nothing beside fighting
I see the blood but their is no change
I want to clean up the mess
I am colored but proud

I pretend to be happy so no one can see my pain
I feel there should be no limit on dreaming
I touch everything but cant feel any of it
I worry about those people, who fall for wrong people
I cry when i experience others pain
I am colored but proud 

I understand what i need to do in order to be a good person
I say nothing but the truth
I dream of traveling and  experience the whole world
I try to enjoy my life every single day
I hope there will be more love and happiness in life
I am colored but proud.